Character Name:Hálesz
What is your current gear like? Badge, Za, Bt trash
Link to your Armory. IM in full PVP gear now after furor disband but well:
Please explain your choice of gear, gems and enchants and how this benefits you.
I have enaugh crit so i build haste now.
Spec: (Give us both numbers and a link to your talent trees)
Please explain the reason for your choice of talents: Im frost now but for raiding : fire with icy veins
Tradeskills & Levels:Tailor: 375 Enchant 375
Do you own any rare recipes?
Executioner, Vitality
Is there someone that can Vouch for you?No i think
What is your previous raiding experience (both Azeroth raiding and Outland raiding) with this character?
Azeroth: AQ20. Onyxia, Molten core. ZG Outland: All except Sunwell
Have you been in any other previous guilds? yes
Name them.MYrmidons, Furor, Testveriseg
If yes, why did you leave? Disband
Explain in detail.
Do you have any Shadow Resistance gear? Yes
If so, what's your SR? 288
If not, are you willing to farm materials?
Our raids all start at 20.00 server time and last until 23.00-24.00, with 2-4 raids a week. We mostly raid every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, and will expect more than 70% attendance during your trial.
Will you be able to make this?
Hope so
In your own words, tell us who you are and why you would like to join us?
All previous raiding clans disbanded. And Yogs and At are too hard raiding clans for me.
Personal info:
Age: 16