Char:Tákeno Class-Druid- lvl70 choice is for DPS, feral cat, gems ar for attack power and other DPS types so is Enchants to. -I wanted to make DPS instead of healing and casting. I really enjoy shifting forms in battle.-Leatherworking, Cooking, fishing and skinning. Leatherworking-270 Cooking-131 Fishing-135 Skinning-375-Nope-No-Last raid was Ahn'Qiraj and Molten Core. So I have some things to learn.-Yes-Panopticon, Agony, The Blessed Marshmallows.-I stopped playing or found a more active guild to join.-Don't have any.-It is 25 with "Mark of the Wild"
-Sure-Some days yes.-My name is Johannes and I am 15 years old. I live in Sweden. I want to join your guild because I need a more active guild than those before.-Funny and active guy.-Johannes Falkelind-age15-Sweden