Reunion is a PvE focused guild, founded 17.08.2008.
After Furor guild disbanded, i've dicided to create my own guild, similiar to Furor.
Raid times are every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday between 20:00 and 23:30 CET. Invites start at 19:45 CET.
You need sign up for raids and be on time to participate in it.
If you cannot make it on one or more occasions you have to let us know in advance by posting in the "Raid Absence" topic.
If you miss it you will earn -200 dkp points. No excuses.
You are expected to show up at invite time (19:45 CET):
* fully repaired;
* with the right gear
* with the right PvE talent;
* with enough gold for the repairs;
* with the knowledge of the boss tactics (you HAVE TO read the tactics and watch videos);
* with enough potions, elixirs and flasks (if you are not sure how much is needed then keep like 20 elixirs and 40 potions on you);
* with enough consumables and reagents (for spells and poisons, if you are buffing the whole raid for example you might need over 100 pieces of reagents);
* with Ventrilo 3.0.1
* with the required addons (oRA2, Omen, DBM) installed;
* with your main character unless the Raid Leader asks you to come with your alt.
Expect to be demoted to the rank "slacker" upon the following conditions:
* if you do not show up at invite time and you did not let us know your absence on the forum;
* if you miss 3 raids in a 2 weeks interval (except of course if you have eg. serious IRL reasons);
* if you do not focus, slack, or are a total moron (not following the Raid Leader's instructions etc.) during the raid;
* if you are not online and ready for invite (ie. not in a group and accepting invitation) in the invite period (19:45-20:00 CET on raid days);
* if you leave the raid without the permission of the Raid Leader and officers.
You regain your former rank by attending to the raids and following the rules.
If you stay "slacker" for 2 weeks you will be removed from the guild.
All these rules serve one purpose: PROGRESS.